Falkner Farms offers its farm-fresh eggs in several north Mississippi locations.

Recipe by Sarah Godwin | Photographed by Joe Worthem
Eggs have become a hot (and some-times even controversial) commodity in recent years.
In an effort to promote local farmers, we visited Oxford’s Falkner Farms to learn about their sought-after pasture-raised eggs.
According to Reed Falkner, the farm’s regenerative practices lead to healthier chickens and thus higher quality eggs.
Chickens and cattle roam the pastures at the farm, which provides eggs and beef to north Mississippians via local farmers markets, stores and restaurants.
Eggs may be a simple ingredient, but they deserve credit for their health benefits and versatility, with countless recipes calling for them as a key or featured ingredient.
For example, the Dutch Baby (pictured) is a sweet, one-pan twist on pancakes that’s perfect for a weekend brunch or even a fun weeknight dinner.
Classic Dutch Baby
3 eggs
¾ cup whole milk
¾ cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
Zest of 1 lemon
3 tablespoons salted butter
Fresh fruit
Powdered sugar
Maple syrup
Preheat oven to 425°F. In a blender, process eggs until fluffy and pale, about 1 minute. Add milk, flour, vanilla, sugar, salt and lemon zest, and process until combined, about 30 seconds. Let batter rest for about 15 minutes.
After resting, add butter to a nonstick or cast-iron skillet, and put in preheated oven to melt, about 2 minutes. Watch carefully so butter doesn’t burn. Remove skillet from oven, and use a brush to spread butter up sides of skillet. Add batter to hot skillet, tilting and swirling to coat edges. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F, and bake until golden and browned on the edges, about 10 to 15 minutes. Top with fruit, powdered sugar and/or maple syrup, and serve.
From the Farm: Falkner Farms
This month’s In Season features farm-fresh eggs from Falkner Farms. Reed Falkner shares more about this Oxford family farm:

Q: Tell us about your farm.
A: Falkner Farms is home to grass-fed cattle and pasture-raised chickens. We are a family-owned and -operated farm located in Oxford. Our regenerative practices allow for our cattle and chickens to constantly rotate throughout our farm. Our goal is to continue to provide our community and customers with quality beef and eggs.
Q: What makes farm-fresh eggs special?
A: In my opinion, the difference in our eggs compared to store eggs is how the chickens are raised. Pasture raised means something to us, and it should to the consumer as well. Our chickens are raised outside and rotated on our pastures, year-round. Multiple moves each week to fresh pasture and ample room to roam around allows for these hens to forage on grasses, grubs and insects. We aim to provide conditions that optimize the health of the chickens. The quality of the egg produced is just a result of the care they are given.
Purchase Falkner Farms eggs at the Midtown Farmers Market (open Saturday mornings), Oxford Community Market (open Tuesday afternoons); at Chicory Market and Larson’s Cash Saver; or by stopping by the farm, 76 Highway 328. Additionally, local restaurants including GRIT, Kingswood and Tarasque have been committed to using Falkner Farms eggs for many years.
Find the Farmer:
Instagram @falknerfarms