Meet the winner of the Invitation Magazine Pet Cover Contest.

Mary Huffstatler is no stranger to Old English Sheepdogs — she grew up with one.
“When my husband Britt and I started having children,” she said. “We thought an Old English Sheepdog would be a good fit for our family.”
Enter Millie.
Eight-year-old Millie hails from Chattanooga, Tennessee, but for most of her life, home has been in Pontotoc with the Huffstatlers and their three kids, 17-year-old Greta; 11-year-old Haegen; and 7-year-old Hudson.
“Millie is an 80-pound lap dog,” Mary said. “She’s a go-with-the-flow dog. And she’s quiet, not very vocal.”
Millie also has good manners.
“She always looks at us for permission to get on the bed or the couch,” Mary said. “Even though she knows she can get anywhere she wants. She is pretty much queen around here.”
Because there aren’t too many Old English Sheepdogs in these parts, Millie is pretty well known. Encouragement to cast votes for Millie came from all across the Huffstatler spectrum — co-workers, friends and other family members, especially Britt’s parents.
“When we go out of town, my mother-in-law and father-in-law keep Millie,” Mary said. “And she loves to visit them.
When Millie won, there was excitement aplenty from all who know this furry friend.
“We were all so happy,” Mary said. “Especially the kids. They were whooping and hollering with excitement.”